MANIFESTO, the future of CRT
New unlocks are required for C11/C11.1 core CRT install
CRT unlocks for C9 work for C9.1 and C10 installs
(click here for all install downloads)
Welcome to the new home of Creative Reporting Tools.
A few years back Larry Teames, owner of Creative PC Solutions - the creator of Creative Reporting Tools, decided he wanted to prepare for retirement and lots of fishing. To that end we collaborated about the future of CRT (Creative Reporting Tools) and I adopted the report centric products to continue their support and future enhancements.
Lodestar Software has been involved with Clarion reporting since the very early days of Clarion v1 with such products as RPM - Report & Presentation Manager, AFE - Automated Fax Engine and PNet - Postnet and Intelligent Mail Barcode. CRT, and its related add-ons, are now part of that arsenal of report tools.

[ if you require 2 or more licenses contact us about a group or site discount ]