Adds the following capabilities to your existing CRT installation:
Custom View Generator with LoopThru support -
allows you to create multiple views in CRT reports. You can specify joins, and ordering based on any field(s) in the view. You can also specify loopthru criteria for the view and the template will generate the necessary code to process the view and print specified header, detail, and footer bands. (similar to the original LoopThruAssocFile template, but more powerful).
Skip Specified Number of Labels -
provides support for starting to print on a specific label of a sheet of labels (to "skip over" already printed labels).
Multi-Copy Strings -
provides support for those reports that need multiple copies (up to 6) with each copy printing a different text string, such as: Customer Copy, Acctg Copy, File Copy. The strings can be specified as literals at design-time, or via variables (so they can be changed at run-time).
Append Multiple Reports -
provides support for concatenating multiple reports into a single report for previewing, printing, etc.